WORSHIP FROM THE RECTORY - last updated 15th February 2025
The Audio PODCAST, service sheet & sermon for
Proper 2/Third Sunday before Lent (Year C) - 16th Feb 2025
are now available.
Keep scrolling down this page until you find them.

Part of the newly restored medieval stained glass at Heckington
Welcome to Worship at the Rectory
Rev Chris has been putting together a service sheet with hymns, prayers, readings, and a sermon every Sunday and a few special holy days since March 2020 so you can continue worship with us within the comfort and warmth of your own home or garden. Thanks to Andy Mellett Brown and now Martin & Di from 'RadioHLR' the services which Rev Chris records at home are broadcast on this internet radio station each Sunday at 11am. Just Google 'RadioHLR' and you should find it. Afterwards an audio PODCAST is available to download from this website. To download any of the PODCASTs, service sheets, or the sermons since March 2020 click on the links below.
Each week members of our ministry team and others send in the intercessions which Rev Chris reads out in the service. Since we started these radio services at the end of March 2020 a large library of well over 200 sermons and audio PODCASTS has been added to, so you can return to them to enjoy again or catch up with those you missed. Just keep scrolling down until you find the ones you are looking for, they are in descending order with the oldest at the top. Its now a long way down!
SERVICE SHEETS inc sermon and hymn words beginning with the oldest first
SERMONS (printed version only)

Sermon for the Second Sunday of Easter (Year C) - 24th April 2022 - 'Peace be with you' by Rev Chris
Sermon for the Third Sunday of Easter (Year C) - 1st May 2022 - 'The smell of forgiveness' Rev Chris
Sermon for the Sunday after Ascension - 29th May 2022 - 'Jesus has ascended - So what now' Rev Chris
Sermon for All Saints Sunday (Year C) - 30th October 2022 - 'Saint Andrew & Saint Mary' by Rev Chris
Sermon for Holy Innocents 2023 - 15th Jan 2023 - 'The massacre of the Holy Innocents' by Rev Stephen
Sermon for Mothering Sunday - 19th March 2023 - 'Behold your Son, Behold your Mother' by Rev Stephen
Sermon for Third Sunday of Easter - 23rd April 2023 - 'And then their eyes were opened' by Rev Chris
Sermon for First Sunday of Christmas - 29th December 2024 - 'And they called Him Jesus' by Rev Chris

The Sunday Radio services are put together by Rev Chris, featuring sermons and prayers written by him and others in our group of parishes. They feature songs and hymns you can sing along with, or listen to as well. There is now quite a library of PODCASTS if you want to go back and listen again. Our thanks go to Andy Mellett Brown of Heckington Living Community Radio for coming up with idea of an Internet Radio station for our village and making these Sunday service broadcasts possible.
The station broadcast lots of other interesting programmes made by local people, so do have a listen. This also includes 'Sounds on the Sunny Side' - which follows the Sunday Service each week. It is an hour or so of music from the past 60 years chosen by Rev Chris to enjoy whilst you prepare your Sunday lunch. 'Sounds on the Sunnyside' is repeated on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 9am.
Google - 'Heckington Living Community Radio'.
To hear the Sunday Service PODCASTS that were originally broadcast on Heckington Living Community Radio double click on the particular link below. It will automatically down load the service to your computer or tablet. Then go to the downloads menu of your computer or tablet and when you find it click on it and it should begin to play using your computers audio system which may need the volume turned up. Enjoy.