Burton Pedwardine, St Nicholas, St Andrew & The Blessed Virgin - Last updated 5th Oct 2024  

Our church wardens are Martin Thompson (01529 413446) & Michael Coy. 

Postcode for Burton Pedwardine - NG34 0BX

Sunday services are held at 9.30am once a month on the Second Sunday. 

The Harvest service is on Sunday 13th Oct at 6pm.

There are occasional coffee mornings on Saturdays and a local history group that also meets on a Saturday. If interested please contact Martin.

Living Stones: 

Burton Pedwardine is part of an informal grouping of three churches with our wider group of parishes and is home to 'The Living Stones', a congregation that travels around the three churches of Burton, Scredington & Swaton led by Canon Beverley Stark & husband David Stark, an Anglican Lay Reader. Rev Chris celebrates communion once a month somewhere within this informal grouping and is the Rector of the Group. This practice of a moveable congregation began as one of the choirs within the Group travelled around 5 of the churches. But since the pandemic began in March 2020 Canon Beverley & David have developed the idea and helped to build a sense of community and mutual support. Many of the services are more informal in nature and have input from members of the Living Stones congregation. For more information on The Living Stones congregation please contact Canon Beverley & David (01529 461519).


Burton church  Burton noticeboard


Burton Pedwardine. Lonely among the fields it stands, a village little more than a hamlet, with a towerless church little more than a chapel. Part of its story is in its name, for to this small place on the edge of the Fens came the Pedwardines of Herefordshire six centuries ago.  Of the church they found here only a few fragments are left-a group of Saxon, Norman and Early English stones with knotwork and other entwined ornament, built into the west wall. Of the cross-shaped church which Sir Robert Pedwardine finished by 1340, only the north transept remains, the rest having been twice rebuilt last century.

It is a small and simple church with a little bellcot in which a 17th-century bell hangs, and its interest for the traveller is all in the old transept. Under an arch in the north wall is a grey marble slab with a Norman-French inscription to Dame Alice, wife of Sir Roger Pedwardine who built the medieval church. Against the west wall is the fine monument of Sir Thomas Horsman who dies in 1610; he lies here in his armour, both hands and one of his feet gone but otherwise well-preserved, and his bearded face looks up to a pillared canopy adorned with his heraldry. His nephew Thomas Horsman, who raised this monument, has only a humble floorstone from which the brasses have vanished.

Two miles west of the village are the base and shaft of a 15th-century cross. It is between the railway and the Roman King Street, hereabouts called Mareham Lane after the moated Mareham Grange which stood near the cross.

Burton church sideview