Heckington, St Andrew - Last updated 4th July 2024 

Our Church Wardens are Margaret Ingham (07941 676343) & Geoff Stead

The church is open every day from 10am to 4pm (except Sundays when it opens at 10.30am). 

There is a service every Sunday at 11am, which is usually Holy Communion. 

On the last Sunday of the month we have an informal Family Service followed by a Bring & Share lunch. 

Also a midweek a service of Holy Communion every Wednesday at 11am. 

We hold a coffee morning in church on the last Saturday morning of each month at 10am till 12noon

There is a well stocked book stall of donated second hand books all at 50p each. Thanks to all who donate & buy.

Tours of the church, by groups or individuals, are available from our tour guide Michael Rose 01529 461293


After upgrading the organ, installing new gas boilers to upgrade the heating system,  installing a new lighting system designed by Gerry Brown, our next project is to have 13.5 sq ft of Medieval Glass brought back to the church where we hope it will be installed in one of the windows the south transept in the spring of 2025.

A picture of the fragments arranged into three panels is below. 

stained glass fragments  


No dates at present


Lets get cooking 

Lets get creating/crafting

Lets get Active

STRAWBERRY TEA IN CHURCH ON SATURDAY 13th JULY from 2pm to 4pm. £6 each. 


We have been 'Steam Cleaned'! thanks to a group of the local Steam Punks, who meet at the Windmill bar each Friday evening. They kindly come in at various times in the year to give St Andrew's Church a wonderful 'Steam' Clean. Our thanks go to them who joined our church wardens and some of the other church volunteers. Bless them one and all.

Steam punk cleaners


July 2024

We will be giving each school leaver their own Bible at a service on 19th July at 2pm.

June 2023

Heckington Church sponsored a three day visit of the 'i sing pop' team culminating in a wonderful concert in church by the school children. It was a great time and a memorable concert.  

Royal wedding 2022

Children from St Andrews School Heckington came to church at the end of May2022 to re-enact the royal wedding of William & Kate as part of the royal celebrations for the Queens platinum jubilee. It was conducted by Rev Chris and was  a memorable occasion. See photos below:   

Guests at Royal Wedding William & Kate take their vows

The Royal Wedding May 2022 Father of bride, Kate, William & Best Man

'Stations of the Cross' with Chestnut Class - February 2022

The Year 5 pupils from Chestnut class at our local church primary school came to church on 22nd Feb 2022 for 'Stations of the Cross'  after which they created the beautiful crosses below. Thanks go to Chestnut class and to Margaret Ingham who planned the day and designed the crosses and to her wonderful team of helpers - Jan, Dawn, Jane, Jenny, Sue & Carol.

Spanish Cross of St JamesCross of South IndiaAborigini Crosses Cross of love 


To down load a copy of the history of the church by Sandra Sardeson click here.


Heckington Church 

St Andrew's Heckington is a quite magnificent parish church. Built in 1300's in the decorated style of the period it is adorned inside and out with many statues, gargoyles, beasts, royal faces, angels and animals leaping from the world and imagination of the 14th century stone carvers. The principal benefactor was Richard de Potesgrave, chaplain to Edward III. It contains the finest grouping of Easter Sepulchre, Sedalia & piscina in the country.  

Font at Heckington carved font & view of east window

View from gallery A view of the east end from the musician's gallery

Easter Sepulchre           Sedila at Heckington

Easter Sepulchre is a work of art in stone            As is the Sedalia